The following is copied from the Chronicle Express 1998 Summer Issue, page 66.
Summer of 1855, worst drought in history. End of the pine forest on bluff point. Everything was tinder dry - crops planted in April came up in September - and a grass fire begun in the middle of the summer soon spread through the whole bluff, turning the giant pines into flaming torches which burned until fall, when there was nothing left to destroy.
The 1999 book Danny on Bluff Point written by Mary Ellen Lee describes the house and nearby surroundings during the 1890's based on the family of Thomas Scott.
Below is an oil painting from 1858 artist Williams.
Summer of 1855, worst drought in history. End of the pine forest on bluff point. Everything was tinder dry - crops planted in April came up in September - and a grass fire begun in the middle of the summer soon spread through the whole bluff, turning the giant pines into flaming torches which burned until fall, when there was nothing left to destroy.
The 1999 book Danny on Bluff Point written by Mary Ellen Lee describes the house and nearby surroundings during the 1890's based on the family of Thomas Scott.
Below is an oil painting from 1858 artist Williams.